Road Trip : Franconia Ridge and Mt Washington

Personal Work, Road Trip, State Park

Our two week road trip goal was to spend as much time in the northern half of New England as possible. We wanted to hike along the Appalachian Trail and basically yellow blaze (car hop) as much as possible.

Here’s a collection of film and digital images I captured while we explored this beautiful state.

Franconia Ridge Hike (Film Photos)

Mount Washington

Originally we wanted to hike to the top and earn the view.  The weather was threatening in the morning so instead we decided that we’d just drive up.  I have to admit it seemed a lot scary going up then it did when we started making our decent down.
The view at the top was completely overcast and we had a nice looming cloud that surrounded us.  We walked around for a little while and after about 30 minutes decided it was time to head down and continue on to Maine.  On our way down we stopped to take in the view and when looking towards the summit, the looming cloud had cleared!

Looks like we’ll just need to take a trip back one of these days.

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